Collection of frequently used Linux commands
Handy list of oft-used Linux commands that I will never remember. Not intended to be an all-purpose cheatsheet, highly specific to my limited usage. These commands work in bash
. For fish
, the variable substitutions and wildcards need to be changed.
- Collection of frequently used Linux commands
Shell 101
List directory contents with size
du -sch * .[!.]* | sort -rh
Count number of items in directory
ls <directory path> -1 | wc -l
Find all files larger than a given size
# find all files "-type f" in the current directory "."
# of size greater than 20MB and list the files using "ls -lh"
# print the file size "$5" and the whole file name "$0,2"
find . -type f -size +20000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{print $5 ":"; $1=$2=$3=$4=$5=$6=$7=$8=""; print substr($0,2)}' | sed -r 's .{9} '
Run command on every file
for i in ./*txt; do echo "File $i"; done
Monitor GPU usage
# Check GPU usage and update every 1 s
watch -n1 nvidia-smi
File permissions
# 400 read by owner
# 040 read by group
# 004 read by anybody
# 200 write by owner
# 020 write by group
# 002 write by anybody
# 100 execute by owner
# 010 execute by group
# 001 execute by anybody
sudo chmod XXX <filepath>
# ssh public key file 644
# ssh private key file 600
# ssh directory 700
Symbolic Links
# ln -s <path-to-target> <path-to-link>
$ ln -s ~/Documents ./docs
$ ls -alh
total 8.0K
drwxrwxr-x 2 anurag anurag 4.0K Mar 26 00:34 ./
drwxrwxr-x 24 anurag anurag 4.0K Mar 26 00:33 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 anurag anurag 23 Mar 26 00:34 docs -> /home/anurag/Documents/
$ python docs/
Process Management
# Kill all processes with process name matching <pattern>
ps -ef | grep 'pattern' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r kill -9
# Set password of user account on GCP VM
sudo passwd $USER
# set fish as default shell
chsh -s `which fish`
# recursive no-parent Reject no-Host robots.txt X_no_of_dirs
wget -r -np -R "index.html" -nH -e robots=off --cut-dirs=X <download_URL>
Save current command to clipboard
In zsh
: Ctrl + U will cut the whole line (irrespective of your position). In bash
and fish
, it will cut backwards from your current position. Ctrl + Y will paste it back to the terminal.
Useful for watching file changes and running commands on files, e.g,
ls *.md | entr -c glow
will display the
document in the terminal with glow
and refresh every time the file is changed on disk.
Port Monitoring
# Get PID of a process running on port YYYY
sudo netstat -lpn | grep :YYYY
# OR
fuser 8080/tcp (add -k to kill the process too)
SSH 101
# connect to hostname with key and port forward
ssh -L <remote_port>:localhost:<local_port> -i /path/to/key username@hostname
# -avzPn --stats -h --> archive verbose compressed progress-bar dry-run human-readable-stats
# pull files from remote server
rsync -avzPn --stats -h username@remote_host:/home/username/directory_we_want ~/local/directory
# push files to remote
rsync -avzPn ~/local/directory username@remote_host:/home/username/destination_dir
# using ssh key
rsync -avzPn -e "ssh -i ~/ec2_keyfile.pem" user@remote:/home/folder /tmp/local_system/
# read file names from a list stored in another file -
# works better when source directory is set to root "/" and file names are stored with absolute path
# source directory gets appended to the file paths inside the listfile
rsync -avzP /source/directory --files-from=/full/path/to/listfile /destination/directory
# with xargs for parallel execution -
# This will list all folders in ~/data, pipe them to xargs,
# which will read them one-by-one and and run 4 rsync processes at a time.
# The % char replaces the input argument for each command call.
ls ~/data | xargs -n1 -P4 -I% rsync -Pa %
More details on rsync cheatsheet
System Setup
Essential Installs
sudo apt install -y fish wget bzip2 curl git gcc g++ python3-dev build-essential vim nano rsync htop tree screen libatlas-base-dev libboost-all-dev libopenblas-dev software-properties-common
Increasing swap
# create swap file
sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile
# permissions set to root
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
# setup a linux swap area
sudo mkswap /swapfile
# activate swap
sudo swapon /swapfile
# verify
sudo swapon --show
Session management using screen
# detach a session
Ctrl + a + d
# list all sessions
screen -ls
# resume session
screen -r
# run command and detach
screen -d -m <command>
# add session name
screen -S <session name>
# add name to attached session
Ctrl + a + : + sessionname name
# attach to named session
screen -xS name
# detach and attach to session (useful when stuck in ssh)
screen -d -r
# attach to session without detaching
screen -x
Docker 101
# docker-compose
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose down
# build a docker image tagged my_image with context in the current working directory
docker build --tag my_image:1.0 .
# run a detached container on 8080, remove after shutdown, with interactive pseudo-tty, named container_name
# with $HOME/data mounted on $HOME/app/data, shared memory increased to 10GB, from image ubuntu:18.04
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --rm --tty -i --name container_name --volume $HOME/data:$HOME/app/data --shm-size 10G ubuntu:18.04
# remove all containers
docker container rm $(docker container ls -aq)
# force remove all images older than 12 hours/until 2020-08-04
docker image prune -a --force --filter "until=12h"
docker image prune -a --force --filter "until=2020-08-04T00:00:00"
# check docker resource usage
docker stats
# Execute command in a running container in an interactive terminal
docker exec -it <container name> <command>
More at: Docker Official Cheatsheet and DevTools
Git 101
# setup local project with remote
git init
git add .
git commit -m "init commit"
git remote add origin <remote repo url>
git push --set-upstream origin master
# setup local branch with remote
git checkout -b cool-feature
git add .
git commit -m "branch init commit"
git push --set-upstream origin cool-feature
# change remote for your local repo, useful when synching your fork
git remote set-url origin <repo url>
# set a new remote and use it to push/fetch
git remote add <remote-name> <remote-url>
git pull <remote-name>
# for the first push
git push --set-upstream <remote-name> <branch-name>
# git reset
# undo 2 commits and unstage files
git reset HEAD~2 # git reset --mixed HEAD~2
# undo 2 commits and leave changes staged
git reset --soft HEAD~2
# undo 2 commits and delete all changes
git reset --hard HEAD~2
# git revert
#Undo last 2 commits with new commit (without altering history)
git revert HEAD~2
# git checkout
# move around to a branch/commit
git checkout <branch> or git checkout <commit-SHA>
# remove staged file from index
git rm <file-name>
# revert merge
git log #check the commit hash and parent id
# revert working tree to commit-hash on parent branch 1
git revert <commit-hash> -m 1
# move commits to another existing branch
git checkout existingbranch
git merge master
git checkout master
git reset --hard HEAD~3 # Go back 3 commits. You *will* lose uncommitted work.
git checkout existingbranch
# move commits to another new branch
git branch newbranch # Create a new branch, saving the desired commits
git reset --hard HEAD~3 # Move master back by 3 commits or put a commit hash
git checkout newbranch # Go to the new branch that still has the desired commits
# alias for pretty log
git config --global alias.graphlinelog "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
git graphlinelog
# Generating reports with git
git shortlog -sne --after="28 Feb 2021" --before="01 Apr 2021" # short list of commits sorted by contributors during a given period
git shortlog --after="28 Feb 2021" --before="01 Apr 2021" --merges # merge commits, replace shortlog by log for commit messages
git log --format=%B -n 1 <commit-hash> # show commit message
git log --merges --first-parent master --pretty=format:"%h %C(blue)%<(15,trunc)%aN %C(white)%<(22)%ar%Creset %C(green)%s" # log of merge commits to master, with commit hash & author name
# Saving changes without committing
git stash push -m "stash name" # make a new stash
git stash list # list all available stashes
git stash show # show diff between stash and current state
git stash pop # apply stash and remove from stack
git stash apply # apply and keep stash in stack
git diff > path-name.patch # save WIP diff as a patch
git apply --3way some.patch # apply a patch like a stash
# worktree: Create a parellel directory to work on a separate feature
git worktree add -b hotfix ~/code/hotfix master
git worktree list
git worktree remove hotfix
# Use delta for better git diff outputs
brew install git-delta
git config --global core.pager "delta --line-numbers --dark"
git config --global delta.side-by-side true
# Find which commit added a specific file eg foo.cpp
git log --follow --diff-filter=A --find-renames=40% foo.cpp
# Squash all commits in a branch to a single commit without git rebase
git checkout my_branch
git reset $(git merge-base main $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD))
git add .
git commit -m "one commit to rule them all
Repository restructuring without losing commit history:
make Basics
Make target
for dependencies dep1
and dep2
using recipe specified by command
target: dep1 dep2
command arguments
dep%: subdep1 subdep2
command arguments
Data Wrangling
# find pattern in files and include NUM lines after and before search result
grep --include=\*.{py, c, h} \
--exclude=\*.o \
--exclude-dir={dir1,dir2,*.dst} \
-rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' \
-e "pattern" \
--after-context=NUM \
More grep
funda here
awk and sed
awk to print all columns from nth to last
# print 5th column, set columns 1 to 8 as empty, then print all columns
<command output with list of formatted strings> | awk '{print $5 ":"; $1=$2=$3=$4=$5=$6=$7=$8=""; print substr($0,2)}'
sed for removing and adding characters
# add in the beginning of every line in file -
sed -i -e 's/^/\/home\/users\/anurag\//' file
# remove last character of every line in file
sed -i 's/.$//' file
# add :8080 at the end of every line in portsfile
sed -i 's/$/:8080/' portsfile
# REPLACE last character of each line in file with p3
sed -i 's/.$/p3/' file
# remove last character of every line in file
sed -i 's/.$//' file
# remove first two characters of every line in file
sed -r 's .{2} ' file
For more tips, refer here.
Machine Learning Toolchain
Install Tensorflow GPU
For tensorflow 2.3+
, NVIDIA driver 450.x
and CUDA 11.0
- Make sure the NVIDIA drivers and CUDA are already installed
- Create a
environment conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit=11.0
- Follow instructions here for CUDNN installation. Check here for errors with package keys.
pip install tensorflow
- Verify as mentioned here More details here on Tensorflow Install
Disable Tensorflow debug messages
Add the following before importing tensorflow
import os
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
Rust Toolchain
Adding Rust to Fish
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" # add to ~/.config/fish/
Adding Rust to VS Code
Add to settings.json
as discussed here
"rust-client.rustupPath": "~/.cargo/bin/rustup"
Tab Completion
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/completions
$ rustup completions fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
Youtube Downloader
Download a Playlist
# Download YouTube playlist videos as mp4 in separate directory indexed by video order in a playlist from start-index to end-index
youtube-dl -f mp4 -o '%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s' <playlist-URL> --playlist-start <start-index> --playlist-end <end-index>